CAMEC trituratori impianti riciclaggio movimentazione materiali
Cesaro Mac Import macchine per il trattamento dei rifiuti e progettazione di Impianti Integrati.
Doppstadt sarà presente al Bauma con la gamma completa delle sue macchine

Doppstadt sarà presente al Bauma con la gamma completa delle sue macchine

Doppstadt mostrerà la propria competenza in materia di riciclaggio dei materiali da costruzione e demolizione al prossimo Bauma 2016 dal 11 al 17 aprile 2016 a Monaco di Baviera.

The new machines and technologies of the portfolio include separation procedures with high throughput at low cleaning and maintenance effort. All Doppstadt solutions have one thing in common: thanks to the combination of machines, several procedures can be run through in one single operating step. By changing single components, various requirements can be met and customer-specific solutions can be realized.

The modular principle characterizes the enterprise: each procedure and each machine, that is developed falls into place like a puzzle piece in the Doppstadt portfolio thus enabling the enterprise to fulfill almost all the customers’ wishes and to cover nearly all the usual environmental procedures. In the outdoor demonstration area of the Bauma (booth: FN 916/6) Doppstadt will show how this competence is reduced to practice. Machines for various building material recycling procedures will be shown, amongst others for the separation of input material into several fractions in order to separate contaminants cleanly and quickly from solid particles or to separate stones from building site waste or to pre-wash it.

Environmental Enterprise CEO Ferdinand Doppstadt: „We meet our customers‘ high expectations by getting them excited about easy-to-operate technology. They tell us what kind of material they want to process and we fulfill these wishes: either with existing machines or with customized solutions, which will do their job on site: reliably, cost-efficiently and without failures.“